Weekly Announcements/February 5th

*Next Saturday, February 12th, there will be an opportunity for elementary age students here at the church 5-8:30PM. A one-night VBS.

*Women’s Meeting is tomorrow, February 6th at 6:00 PM. Topic: Random Acts of Kindness. Bring snacks to share and items for the bags.

* Lent is the season that leads up to Easter Sunday where we work to intentionally press into our relationship with Jesus. As a church we want to intentionally grow our relationship with Jesus, dig into prayer, and practice repentance this year. Here are a couple things we are doing to help us do that.

Ash Wednesday Service on February 22nd at 6 pm.

Daily Devotional by people of our church to go along with our prayer sermon series. Wednesday 6:00 pm services to intentionally practice prayer.