November 7 Announcements

On Sunday November 14th our Sunday service will look a little different than normal, because that is a day we call our Society Gathering. As a church we take this day to look back at the past year to see what God has done. We look at the good and the bad from the year, share stories of what is happening, hear updates from other leaders, and worship together. This is also when our members vote for next year’s leadership. We would love to worship with you on this little bit different Sunday morning! 

Every year our ministry partner Love Chapel has a Christmas Pantry to give people of our community a full Christmas dinner. This isn’t just an ordinary meal that they hand out either; it’s a full meal with ham and all the sides you would think of with a Christmas dinner. This year they are planning to serve around 1,300 meals to our community! As a church we have an opportunity to partner with Love Chapel in two ways. First we have a goal to collect 200 boxes of brownies that can be given at the pantry. Please bring those boxes by November 28th. Second, we are setting up a team of people to serve during the Christmas Pantry to pass out meals on December 7th from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm. If you would like to serve with us please contact the church and we will get you signed up. 

We are currently collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. November 15th – 21st is National Collection Week. We will be collecting boxes at this time as a drop off point. Things not allowed in the boxes are: toothpaste, anything liquid, or anything war related. There are empty boxes available at the church. If you have any questions contact Sheila Richerson at the church 812-341-5388.