Announcements for week of Sept 18th

*Thanks to everyone who donated for the fund raiser last week. We raised $305 to send to our sponsored child. The Women’s Fall Retreat is October 14/15, if you are interested in going, there are registrations on the Welcome Center. You may also contact Sheila Richerson. Registrations are

*Operation Christmas Child will be here before you know it. You can start bringing in items anytime. Empty shoeboxes are in the narthex with labels in the box. Collection Week is November 14th. Don’t wait till the last minute. Anyone who would like to help, contact Sheila Richerson.

*On November 13th we will have our annual Society Gathering for church updates. A part of our gathering is electing the volunteer leadership of our church. To help in that process we are asking that you would nominate someone for a role using the Nomination form on the welcome desk. Nominations will be accepted through September 25.